logoContent Collections


Content Collections does not offer a built-in way to sort collections. This is because it is challenging to define a universal API for sorting that fits all use cases. Implementing a single sorting method would limit the flexibility to sort collections differently in various parts of the application.

However, you can easily sort the collections in your own code. For example, you can create a file called sorted.ts with the following content:

import { allPosts } from "content-collections";
export const postsSortedByDate = allPosts.toSorted(
  (a, b) => b.date.getTime() - a.date.getTime(),

Then, you can import the sorted collection from this file instead of directly from content-collections.

import { postsSortedByDate } from "./sorted";
// Do something with the sorted posts

This approach allows you to sort your collections in any way you prefer.

For more information, refer to Issue #169.

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